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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and may blessings and peace be upon the most honorable of the prophets and messengersWe make every effort to make this department a leader at the local and international levels in the field of preparing educational teachers and psychological specialists, and providing psychological and research consultations, to advance society and effectively contribute to its development efficiently and effectively. Psychology is the science that is concerned with studying the behavior of a living being, the mental processes it performs, and the feelings and emotions it experiences, and seeks to explain and evaluate them, and to help a person reach a healthy psychological life, enjoying positive thoughts and emotions, and confronting the negative ones, in order to achieve His quality of life


The Department of Psychology is one of the scientific departments included in the College of Arts, Al-Josh / University of Zintan. The department was established in 2001-2000 AD under the name of the Department of Psychology within the scientific departments of the College of Arts, Saqr Africa University previously, after which it became a department in the College of Arts and Sciences, Badr University of the Western Mountain in the year 2004-2005 AD, and in 2018 AD, the Department of Psychology became one of the scientific departments at the Faculty of Arts, Al-Josh University, Zintan University. The department grants a bachelor’s degree within four years and eight semesters


The Department of Psychology seeks to spread psychological knowledge about psychologyWorking to ensure the efficiency of the department’s outputs in psychological and educational sciences through prospective academic research and field training programs.


Qualifying cadres and researchers in accordance with quality standardsPromoting scientific research and providing academic programs related to specialization, both theoretical and practical.Leadership in providing psychological services to the community.Contributing to conducting research and trying to apply it to reduce social and psychological problems


The Department of Psychology aims to prepare qualified graduates with scientific competence and psychological skill to succeed in their tasks as psychologistsPreparing qualified educational cadres to contribute to the success and development of the educational process. The department aims to provide students with the latest developments, scientific developments and research in its fields of specialization